22-as Epizodas, Žalgiris / Episode 22, Grunwald
Amazing translation job Joel!
Sveiki, su jumis sveikinasi Real Lithuanian Podcastas.
Hello I welcome you to the Real Lithuanian podtast.
Po ilgos pertraukos.
It's been a long break.
Praėjo visa žiema ir atėjo pavasaris,
A long winter has passed and spring has arrived,
o Real Lithuanian Epizodo kaip nėra, taip nėra…
but the Real Lithuanian episode has not...
Taip, tai tiesa, tikrai ilga pauzė buvo nuo paskutinio epizodo.
Yes it is true, a really long pause has elapsed since the last episode.
Bet svarbiausias faktas yra tai, kad mes esame kartu.
But the most important fact is that we are together.
Lietuvoje oras jau tikrai pavasarėja.
In Lithuania the weather is truly springlike.
Kas dieną darosi vis šilčiau ir šilčiau.
Every day becomes warmer and warmer.
Jau praktiškai niekur nebeliko sniego, dabar tik lietus lyja.
Already there is no snow remaining anywhere, now it is only raining.
Galbūt jūs žinote, kad lietus ir Lietuva yra labai susiję žodžiai?
Perhaps you know that rain and Lithuanian are really related words.
Sakoma, kad Lietuvos pavadinimas yra nuo žodžio „lietus“.
They say that Lithuania's name is from the word "rain".
Gal visai ir logiška, Lietuvoje daug lyja,
Perhaps is truly logical, in Lithuania it rains a lot,
gal todėl mes taip ir pasivadinome.
perhaps that is why we are thus named.
Nors čia vieno atsakymo nėra.
Though there is not one answer.
Lithuanian/English Teacher info:
Sveiki, su jumis sveikinasi Real Lithuanian Podcastas.
Hello I welcome you to the Real Lithuanian podtast.
Po ilgos pertraukos.
It's been a long break.
Praėjo visa žiema ir atėjo pavasaris,
A long winter has passed and spring has arrived,
o Real Lithuanian Epizodo kaip nėra, taip nėra…
but the Real Lithuanian episode has not...
Taip, tai tiesa, tikrai ilga pauzė buvo nuo paskutinio epizodo.
Yes it is true, a really long pause has elapsed since the last episode.
Bet svarbiausias faktas yra tai, kad mes esame kartu.
But the most important fact is that we are together.
Lietuvoje oras jau tikrai pavasarėja.
In Lithuania the weather is truly springlike.
Kas dieną darosi vis šilčiau ir šilčiau.
Every day becomes warmer and warmer.
Jau praktiškai niekur nebeliko sniego, dabar tik lietus lyja.
Already there is no snow remaining anywhere, now it is only raining.
Galbūt jūs žinote, kad lietus ir Lietuva yra labai susiję žodžiai?
Perhaps you know that rain and Lithuanian are really related words.
Sakoma, kad Lietuvos pavadinimas yra nuo žodžio „lietus“.
They say that Lithuania's name is from the word "rain".
Gal visai ir logiška, Lietuvoje daug lyja,
Perhaps is truly logical, in Lithuania it rains a lot,
gal todėl mes taip ir pasivadinome.
perhaps that is why we are thus named.
Nors čia vieno atsakymo nėra.
Though there is not one answer.
Lithuanian/English Teacher info:
Email: saras.com@gmail.com
Skype: geros.pamokos
Sveikas Šarūnai !
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Joel , and also in the same adult Lithuanian class at St Casimir's in Los Angeles.
Your podcast is very helpful and I look forward to every episode.
I have a few ideas for some possible new episodes if you consider them.
1) Lithuanian presidents ... I know you did one on Dalia Grybauskaitė, but how about Adamkus
and further back ? Each president could be an episode in itself.
2) Lithuanian schools in the US... There are many and it would interesting to maybe highlight one school an episode ?
These are just some ideas ...
May your podcast continue for many years !
Sėkmės Tau !
Dovydas Matke
Ačiū Dovydai :) These would be great podcast topics, I'll definitely consider making several episodes to cover that!